Sun Spotlight!Throughout the coming months, Sun Produce Co-op will be taking the opportunity to highlight the farms, customers and community members who continue to innovate, inspire and move the mission of the Co-op forward. Our first spotlight will be on an individual who represents the values of the Co-op, is an active board member, and has seen firsthand the impact our FarmRaiser program can have on local communities. VISTA member Jake Walker had the opportunity to interview Herbert Smith, a veteran educator who now serves as Student Success Coordinator at Metro Tech High School, regarding his experiences. Here are a few excerpts of what Herb had to say:
“I have a major passion for health and wellness! Unfortunately I have had some family members pass away due to some health related issues, so I am very invested in this space. Plus I am the kind of person that not only is going to do it for himself, I want to help others by spreading the word and [providing] access to healthy food options to anyone that it would help.”
“The story of how and why I started the FarmRaiser program here at Metro Tech is an interesting one. First off, we have a weightlifting club here on campus. That weightlifting club is a safe space for students to work out during lunch or after school to improve their physical and mental health. After years of coaching the kids in the program, I noticed that a lot of the kids wanted to eat healthier. This was a surprise because it was contrary to what a lot of people believe. Most people would say that kids don’t want to eat healthy and all they eat is junk food. But they do want to be health conscious and we are simply not giving them the means to do so. That’s why the Co-op’s FarmRaiser program was an opportunity that could address a majority of the obstacles: it provides access to healthy foods, brings it to them directly, and is also at a fair price. As soon as I heard about the FarmRaiser program I got us signed up.”
Herbert then spoke on the value of the quality produce which the Co-op is able to provide.
“To me it’s a win-win. A, you get to eat healthier, and we all know the mental and physical benefits of a healthier lifestyle. B, it’s important to support our local farms and Arizona’s economy. In my opinion food tastes a lot better and lasts a lot longer when it’s from a local farm. Once you understand that, a lot of the food we are used to eating has had to come from out of state and be sprayed with pesticides and wax to keep it looking fresh. Plus it’s been sitting at a grocery store for weeks, and it still hasn’t started to decompose, then you really start to put those pieces of the puzzle together and say, ‘Hmm… fresh produce will go bad quickly. It’s supposed to be consumed in a certain window of time, unless it has been treated.’ I truly understand that now.”
He also touched on the particular impact that the Farmraiser program can have for those most economically vulnerable.
“The program offers exposure. Typically and unfortunately, people from a lower socioeconomic class have to buy less healthy foods due to their budget and the financial constraint that their finances put on them. Being able to provide healthy produce for them and allowing them to make nutritious meals for themselves and for their family, they are able to feel the benefits in many areas of their life. I feel like it’s a win for all parties because knowledge is power. Once you inform people and give people the information about what they’re eating and how it affects them, typically people will make better decisions if they’re in a space to do so.”
“It’s such a great program. It’s the knowledge piece and really hammering down and exposing to people in a nonjudgmental way that organic and non-organic produce matters, preparing a meal as opposed to getting fast food does matter. How can we free up people’s time so they are able to make food at home instead of just grabbing something on the way? – Just presenting those topics and having those conversations can lead to more people going down the path that the Co-op is paving.”
We here at Sun Produce would like to extend our deepest thanks to Herbert Smith for taking the time to speak with us, and for the vast impact he has made on those in his community and beyond.
Here’s to a great 2024!